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by aLFFiaN.
Stress Reliever Facebo10
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by aLFFiaN.
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 Stress Reliever

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Countries/State : Singapore
location : WOODLAND
Points : 12595
Reputation : 0
Number of posts : 1220

Stress Reliever Empty
PostSubject: Stress Reliever   Stress Reliever Icon_minitime30/8/2007, 9:20 pm

Stress Reliever # 1
Hubby: You always carry my photo in your
handbag to the office. Why?
Wife: When there is a problem, no matter how
impossible, I look at
your picture and the problem disappears.
Hubby: You see, how miraculous and powerful I
am for you?
Wife: Yes, I see your picture and say to
myself, "What other problem
can there be greater than this one?"

Stress Reliever # 2
Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your
worries, troubles
and lighten your burden.
Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have
any worries or
Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet.

Stress Reliever # 3
Son: Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this
morning, he told me to
give up my seat to a lady.
Mom: Well, you have done the right thing
Son: But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.

Stress Reliever # 4
Wife: "What's your excuse for coming home at this
time of the night?"
Husband: "Golfing with friends, my dear."
Wife : "What? At 2 a.m?!"
Husband: "Yes, We used night clubs."

Stress Reliever # 5
A newly married man asked his wife, Would you
have married me if my
father hadn't left me a fortune?"
"Honey," the woman replied sweetly, "I'd have
married you NO MATTER

Stress Reliever # 6
Father to son after exam: "Let me see your report
Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare
his parents."

Stress Reliever # 7
"How was your blind date?" a college student
asked her roommate.
"Terrible!" the roommate answered. "He showed up
in a 1932 Rolls

"Wow! That's a very expensive car. What's so bad
about that?"
"He is the original owner."

Stress Reliever # 8
In a tiny village lived an old maid. In spite of her old
age, she was
still a virgin. She was very proud of it. She knew
her last days were
getting closer, so she told the local undertaker that
she wanted the
following inscription on her tombstone: "Born as a
virgin, lived as a
virgin,died as a virgin." Not long after, the old maid
died peacefully,
and the undertaker told these main what the lady
had said.
The main went to carve it in, but being the lazy no-
goods they were,
they thought the inscription to be unnecessarily
long. They simply
"Returned unopened."

Stress Reliever # 9
A teacher asked her class for sentences using the
word "beans".
My father grows beans," said one student.
"My father cooks beans," said another.
Then little Johnny spoke up: "We are all human

Stress Reliever # 10
Interviewer: To whom do you owe your success as
a millionaire?"
Millionaire: I owe everything to my wife.
Interviewer: "Wow, she must be some woman.
What were you before you
married her?"
>Millionaire: "A Billionaire."

Stress Reliever # 1
Hubby: You always carry my photo in your
handbag to the office. Why?
Wife: When there is a problem, no matter how
impossible, I look at
your picture and the problem disappears.
Hubby: You see, how miraculous and powerful I
am for you?
Wife: Yes, I see your picture and say to
myself, "What other problem
can there be greater than this one?"

Stress Reliever # 2
Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your
worries, troubles
and lighten your burden.
Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have
any worries or
Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet.

Stress Reliever # 3
Son: Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this
morning, he told me to
give up my seat to a lady.
Mom: Well, you have done the right thing
Son: But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.

Stress Reliever # 4
Wife: "What's your excuse for coming home at this
time of the night?"
Husband: "Golfing with friends, my dear."
Wife : "What? At 2 a.m?!"
Husband: "Yes, We used night clubs."

Stress Reliever # 5
A newly married man asked his wife, Would you
have married me if my
father hadn't left me a fortune?"
"Honey," the woman replied sweetly, "I'd have
married you NO MATTER

Stress Reliever # 6
Father to son after exam: "Let me see your report
Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare
his parents."

Stress Reliever # 7
"How was your blind date?" a college student
asked her roommate.
"Terrible!" the roommate answered. "He showed up
in a 1932 Rolls

"Wow! That's a very expensive car. What's so bad
about that?"
"He is the original owner."

Stress Reliever # 8
In a tiny village lived an old maid. In spite of her old
age, she was
still a virgin. She was very proud of it. She knew
her last days were
getting closer, so she told the local undertaker that
she wanted the
following inscription on her tombstone: "Born as a
virgin, lived as a
virgin,died as a virgin." Not long after, the old maid
died peacefully,
and the undertaker told these main what the lady
had said.
The main went to carve it in, but being the lazy no-
goods they were,
they thought the inscription to be unnecessarily
long. They simply
"Returned unopened."

Stress Reliever # 9
A teacher asked her class for sentences using the
word "beans".
My father grows beans," said one student.
"My father cooks beans," said another.
Then little Johnny spoke up: "We are all human

Stress Reliever # 10
Interviewer: To whom do you owe your success as
a millionaire?"
Millionaire: I owe everything to my wife.
Interviewer: "Wow, she must be some woman.
What were you before you
married her?"
>Millionaire: "A Billionaire."

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