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by aLFFiaN.
aRe yOu and Your date equals? Facebo10
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aRe yOu and Your date equals? Facebo10
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 aRe yOu and Your date equals?

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Countries/State : Sabah
Age : 37
location : SanDaKaN--keninGau..Ten0m--
Tag ID: : SFC 03921
Points : 12380
Reputation : 6
Number of posts : 1886

aRe yOu and Your date equals? Empty
PostSubject: aRe yOu and Your date equals?   aRe yOu and Your date equals? Icon_minitime7/11/2009, 5:01 pm

You’re in a new
relationship or you’re spicing one up that’s gone flat. Whatever
the case, you’re bound to face the inevitable question: how much
affection is too much? And if I want more than my date, is the
relationship in for trouble?

It’s a question
many couples confront, and lucky for you we’ve developed six easy
questions that will help provide insight into your personal situation.
Grab some scratch paper, answer each one (honestly), then scroll down
to discover if you and your date are on the right track to love or an
eventual adios.

1. While picnicing at
the park, you reach over to nuzzle your date. He/she:

A) grabs the Frisbee and runs for the hills
B) gives you a peck on the cheek and makes another sandwich
C) scootches closer and wraps an arm around you
D) smiles slyly and points out a secluded spot behind the bushes

2. You’re walking through town and spontaneously grab your
date’s hand. He/she:

A) shrieks and pulls it back immediately
B) squeezes back and finds an excuse to dig through her purse or
C) holds on tight until you let go
D) pulls you into the nearest alley to reenact scenes from
"9&1/2 Weeks"

3. In front of friends, you call your date "schmoopy" for
the first time. He/she:

A) turns red, glares with embarrassment and leaves in a huff
B) laughs out loud at your new pet name
C) looks surprised but smiles with acceptance
D) turns on the baby talk with a retort even more cavity-inducing

4. You’re lying in bed, craving a little snuggle action. Your

A) is long gone to clean the litter box at home
B) squeezes your arm then rolls over to face the wall
C) shares pillow talk, keeps you warm and "spoons" when
D) takes that as his cue for round two (three or four)

5. Your date has just returned from a 5-day business trip. You
suggest dinner. He/she:

A) is already at the club with friends
B) yawns and makes a date for the next day
C) offers to stop for groceries or take-out on the way over
D) barely says hello before mauling you in the doorway

6. You’re smiling coyly, whispering sweet-nothings — generally
flirting your heart out.
Your date:
A) is too busy flirting with the bartender to notice you
B) won’t stop talking about work, sports and friends
C) smiles, returns the compliments and has only eyes for you
D) calls a cab, pays the tab and can’t keep his hands to himself

Mostly A:
Looks like trouble’s brewing, baby. If you answered A to most of
these questions, your date is either one cold, unaffectionate turkey
— or completely uninterested. More than likely, someone’s waiting
on you to do the dirty work: end the relationship. And he or she’s
displaying a lack of love as often as possible to inspire your exit.
On the off-chance your date’s simply unaware of their actions
(highly unlikely), don’t bail without notice. Tell your date about
your concerns and wait for an explanation. If there’s no rational
excuse for the lack of amore, move on.

Mostly B: So
maybe your date just isn’t the affectionate type. Or perhaps the
relationship is new and they’re unsure how to act. If you answered B
to most of these, questions… don’t worry; there’s still hope.
Most often, it seems you’re date’s best intentions are there; they
just don’t follow through physically or verbally. Pet names often
leave them speechless, and you’re always first to make a move. Your
best next step? Tell your date how you feel, give a hint that you need
more. A little communication and you might unleash a whole new world
of affection!

Mostly C:
Congratulations! You’ve got the perfect concoction of love,
affection and romance. The balance is almost uncanny; at times it
seems you’re reaching for each other’s hands at the same time. You
never say goodbye without a smooch, and hey… if you’re in the mood
for a little pet name action, they’re game too. You’ve got your
moments, but more than likely, you’re the envy of all your coupled
(and single) friends.

Mostly D: Pull
back the reigns on this one before the relationship explodes! This
over-the-top behavior is often typical in the beginning of a
relationship, but keep it up beyond that and you may find yourself
posting . What you and your date need is balance. Enjoy the rush of
excitement while it lasts and do your best to keep it private, but if
you’d like your friendship to develop past lust and into love…
slow it down (at least in public).

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Countries/State : Sabah
Age : 37
location : SanDaKaN--keninGau..Ten0m--
Tag ID: : SFC 03921
Points : 12380
Reputation : 6
Number of posts : 1886

aRe yOu and Your date equals? Empty
PostSubject: Re: aRe yOu and Your date equals?   aRe yOu and Your date equals? Icon_minitime7/11/2009, 5:01 pm

Mostly C:
Congratulations! You’ve got the perfect concoction of love,
affection and romance. The balance is almost uncanny; at times it
seems you’re reaching for each other’s hands at the same time. You
never say goodbye without a smooch, and hey… if you’re in the mood
for a little pet name action, they’re game too. You’ve got your
moments, but more than likely, you’re the envy of all your coupled
(and single) friends.

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Countries/State : Sabah
Age : 39
location : JeSSeLtoN, Sabah
Website :
Tag ID: : SFC 09305
Points : 12435
Reputation : 19
Number of posts : 1644

aRe yOu and Your date equals? Empty
PostSubject: Re: aRe yOu and Your date equals?   aRe yOu and Your date equals? Icon_minitime1/7/2010, 4:32 pm

~ I got mostly B..hehehe nice one there sis~
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PostSubject: Re: aRe yOu and Your date equals?   aRe yOu and Your date equals? Icon_minitime

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