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 MU Online Games

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Age : 41
location : Kota Kinabalu
Tag ID: : SFC 00008
Points : 12793
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Number of posts : 1963

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PostSubject: MU Online Games   MU Online Games Icon_minitime5/7/2007, 2:07 pm

Mu Online Games

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Lets play and its really cool..
if interested just join and play..
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Age : 41
location : Kota Kinabalu
Tag ID: : SFC 00008
Points : 12793
Reputation : 0
Number of posts : 1963

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PostSubject: Re: MU Online Games   MU Online Games Icon_minitime6/7/2007, 11:25 am

Back Story Of MU

MU Online Games Back_story_pg1
The Prophecy -

The Heavens shall open again, the Stars will lose their way, and Fear descends
upon the earth. A saint awakens and destroys the Seal of Chains. Ravenous teeth
shall rape the land, the land! Tis cruel! Crimson Blood stains the ground.

Under the Sun, The 8 Jewels of Legend and Lore shall appear, and Satan will
have arisen. . . Heed these words ye wise man! A day shall come upon which the
soil shall 8 Stars be affixed, Nightmare's Day shall it be called when Heaven's
Rays divide the sky and echoing wails ring in the Valley of Death, and a light
will come down upon this land from the world once forgotten.

MU Online Games Back_story_pg3
The King of Blood -

Antonias, the Prince of the Black Knights, was nearing the realization of his foolish ambitions.

"MU shall be mine and mine only! Foolish, pitiful men, look upon my might as I break the Seal to my destiny."

An evil sorcerer named Lemulia had warmed to the foolish Lord and
seduced his mind with false hope for Antonias had become sickened and
weary of the ceaseless battles between the feudal lords of MU. Lemulia
spoke endlessly about a tale of a Great Lord, a Demon, the Devil of
Darkness, Kundun who had existed 1000 years ago before the MU Empire
was born. She spoke of how those who allayed themselves with the Dark
Lord would be masters of the whole world and not merely an empire or a
continent. Antonias, blinded by ambition fell easily into Lemulia's
ploy. Those who saw past Lemulia's veil of deception, loyal and
altruistic advisors were immediately put to death and all that remained
was the naive Lord, the evil Witch and cruel, blood thirsty warriors.

The army of Antonias kept laying havoc to the land, conquering
the Empire by force under Lemulia's cunning tricks and sorcery, and
within time, on the ominous day mentioned in the Prophecy of the
Secromicon, the forces of Antonias gathered at Ketthotum. The ghastly,
merciless soldiers of Antonias anxiously waited for the moment when
Antonias and Lemulia would break the Seal. The wind fell silent and the
air was filled with uncertainty as the moments trickled by.

The Shrine of Ketthotum undulated grotesquely. For a brief moment, a
look of panic crossed Antonias' eyes. "Is all well, Lemulia?" The
Sorcerer Lemulia hidden in a black shadowy robe nodded her head. "Only
for the King of Land! The moment is upon us." Antonias' confusion and
uncertainty remained but was seemingly satisfied with her reply.
Antonias then shouted, "This land shall remain mine for all time." and
attempted to touch the Seal of Etramu.

"Om Orakust, Hemiad, Kiratus. Le Al Hokbras, Ektua, Ho."

MU Online Games Back_story_pg3_2
unknown incantation spewed from Lemulia's mouth and at the same time a
bluish protective curtain surrounded Antonias. At this very moment, the
Sealing Stone started to shed light. While Lemulia's incarnation got
louder and bolder, a look of madness began to flow and dance in the
eyes of Antonias as he stared betwixt upon the jewel.
"A little more, a little more..." Antonias' hands were trembling, as he
approached the Sealing Stone. The light emanating from the stone began
to spasm "just a little more." - Clink!
Before Lemulia's incantation had finished, the Sealing Stone shattered.
"The King, the King of Blood!!" In the midst of the din of the
soldiers' rapturous voices calling out to their master, the Devil of
Darkness, Kundun had resurrected. Kundun who woke up from sleep
fiercely stared Antonias and shouted, "Now the land is only my own!
Only the blood and fear will fill up this land!" And the 8 pieces of
the Sealing Stone scattered far and wide to each corner of the vast
continent that is MU.

MU Online Games Back_story_pg2
Story -

In a millennium's time, the Land of MU has advanced and developed the
empire in great bounding strides. However, as foretold in the Great
Prophecy, Secromicon, the Continent of MU fell into overwhelming chaos.
Great leaders who had once controlled the MU Continent now have fallen
low, and the central government; due to the internal strife and warfare
amongst power hungry feudal lords, have brought the kingdom asunder and
thus the empire crumbled. The millennium of peace and bounty is now a
mere memory and dark stains of blood now cover the land. The ravages of
war have laid waste to the once beautiful land and the shedding of
blood still knows no end. Even now, petty feudal lords endlessly build
up their machines of war and futilely attempt to re-establish what once

And it was during this time of endless blood letting that the
Gates of Hell were thrown open as the blind ambitions of a foolish man
had been led far astray.

Antonias a foolish Lord, blinded by ambition, deceived by the
evil Sorceress Lemulia, unknowingly let loose upon the world, Kundun,
the Devil of Darkness, a demon difficultly confined by the Seal of

"Now this land shall be mine again.
I have banished Peace for all time…
the Sun will no longer shine.
This earth shall be mine,
and cunning men will be my slaves and cattle.”

MU Online Games Back_story_pg2_2
Ancient Devil Kundun awake from its long sleepless slumber now walks
amongst the living defiling the land with his touch. Amidst the chaos,
the stars have lost their course and the stench of fear and blood
pervades throughout. Kundun released upon the land his rage and
vengeance for his long confinement. Quickly, the now forsaken land of
MU has become home to Kundun's minions and for 2 long years the evil of
his reign befouled all that was once pure. Nightmare's Day, a passage
in the Great Prophecy, had come true and was no longer merely the words
of days gone by. Wise men began their studies anew and hopingly and
longingly referred to the ray of light mentioned within the writings of
the prophecy. Their last remaining hope lay in the power of the seal of
Etramu, the very seal that maintained Kundun's imprisonment. Into 8
pieces the seal has been scattered and only when the seal is made whole
shall peace return to the land once more.
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Age : 41
location : Kota Kinabalu
Tag ID: : SFC 00008
Points : 12793
Reputation : 0
Number of posts : 1963

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PostSubject: Re: MU Online Games   MU Online Games Icon_minitime6/7/2007, 11:32 am

Only 5 unique Character

MU Online Games Characters_dn_1

Dark Knight / Blade Knight

These are the warriors on the Continent of MU. By improving their
strengths and learning new skills they train to protect the citizens of

MU Online Games Character_dw_1

Dark Wizard / Soul Master

Some prefer Strength, but others prefer knowledge. The Dark Wizard has
an array of offensive spells that can defeat forces of Kundun in no

MU Online Games Character_fe_1

Fairy Elf / Muse Elf

With their abilities in healing and skills with the bow, Fairy Elves
give our warriors the strength and support needed to defeat the
Monsters of MU.

To use this characters you MUST at Level 250 above

MU Online Games Character_mg_1

Magic Gladiator

Some use the Strength of a sword, others the Skills of magic. The Magic
Gladiator has the Power and Knowledge to use both in the struggle for

MU Online Games Character_dl_1

Dark Lord

Having the power to summon the spirits of his raven and steed. The Dark
Lords of MU have surfaced to help face Kundun once again as they did in
the Golden Ages.
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