With streamyx in malaysia, everyone can surf faster and enjoy the many benefits from the net.
This is what they claim to give to the public. It is true in a way that it has improved our surfing and other activities overall, but it still needs improving. i have read or heard a few months ago that the current infrastructure for users only support less then 10% of the population. And with the gov't plan to have every home a pc is not helping the current situation. Connection disruptions, pending applications and such have always been one of the concurent problem facing by internet users due to overwhelming demand. What are they the relevent parties doing to ease this problem?
Recently i went to kundasang an saw a resort... it was a very nice to look at, but guess what. It is telekom malaysia's resort!!! With all the profit they are getting from both local and international investments, they couldn't allocate a few to improve our infrastructure? or are they waiting for the gov't to act? How would this help if they continue to add more users? eventually using a dial-up connection would be equally fast as streamyx...
Oi!! wake up lah...