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by aLFFiaN.
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 Sh0rt st0ries

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Age : 38
location : KK
Tag ID: : SFC 2932
Points : 11922
Reputation : 0
Number of posts : 1013

Sh0rt st0ries Empty
PostSubject: Sh0rt st0ries   Sh0rt st0ries Icon_minitime12/6/2008, 10:43 am

Door Ghost

I had a whirlwind romance that led to a very bad marriage. I married Eric when I was 22. He was in the Navy in Norfolk, VA and I decided to move down there to join him.

Not knowing the city at all, I was drawn to a particular old bulding in Norfolk's Ghent area called the Aberdeen on Redgate Avenue. The building still had the dumbwaiters to bring coal up to your apartment and the original coal sheds in the basement where past tenants could store their own personal supply of coal.

We rented a 3 bedroom apartment on the first floor-- wood floors, claw foot bathtub, steam radiator heat. I was in heaven. We used one bedroom, converted the other into the TV room/library and the other room (because it had no radiator) served as storage and a possible guest bedroom with a day bed.

Our marriage (which lasted only 6 months) began going sour as soon as I moved down to Virginia. I soon discovered that I had company in the apartment that resided in the bedroom that we had reserved as storage. I always had a feeling that I was being watched but I was never scared. This something looked out for me. It turns out, it hated my husband.

I would always try to keep this door to the bedroom closed. I would close it, listen for the click of the door, check the door by pushing against it. I would walk two steps down the hall and hear the creak of the door open. After repeating this several times, I decided to let it remain open. My cat used to have a ball playing with something in that room. The stranger part of this is that whenever my husband closed the door, it stayed that way.

Once he was taking some laundry downstairs to the basement (which was creepy enough) and left the back door open for a few seconds. He closed the screen door which had to be forcefully closed as it scraped against the concrete. Our kitchen was directly above the washing and drying machines and he definitely would have heard someone enter the apartment. When he came back upstairs, the screen door was locked (and this was a metal hook lock that had to be swung into an eye or metal loop). My husband had to climb through a window to get back in and proceeded to search the entire house as he thought someone had broken in. Nothing. It locked him out on several more occasions.

When I moved out, I maintained contact with some neighbors in that building. When we would go out, I would always sense something watching longingly from the window of that bedroom when we walked by.
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Age : 38
location : KK
Tag ID: : SFC 2932
Points : 11922
Reputation : 0
Number of posts : 1013

Sh0rt st0ries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sh0rt st0ries   Sh0rt st0ries Icon_minitime12/6/2008, 10:45 am

A Christmas Wish

Sierra sat in the living room watching the lights on the Christmas tree. Serena had decorated the tree alone this year, Sierra had been to week, she was to weak to do much of anything. The miracle she had been praying for hadn’t seem to be granted, the cancer that had taken both of her legs was still ravaging her body, she was no longer on chemo it was no longer working, nothing was working and night and day she was being pumped with morphine to ease the pain.

" Serena I do not think I can hold on much longer. " Sierra said weakly one night.

" Sierra if you are too tired to fight I understand. "

" I want to make it through Christmas. "

Both the girls let the tears fall from their eyes as Sierra spoke. It wasn’t that Sierra had completely giving up hope, but she had to face the fact that she may not make it through this, short of a miracle she would not make it.

Lord give me the strength to get through it, and if I have to go, let Serena be able to get through this.

When Sierra was up to it, her and Serena would sing Christmas Carols just as they had done every Christmas before, and singing actually made Sierra feel a little better, made her for a moment forget the pain she was suffering.

Christmas morning came and Sierra was still hanging in there, it wasn’t an easy fight, but prayers were being answered. Sierra was actually starting to feel better and stronger, but either Sierra or Serena dared not get their hopes up to high, just to have them crushed again.

As they celebrated Christmas just Sierra and Serena together, they cherished each moment it had been the way they had celebrated since their parents had died just the two sisters, and now with Sierra so sick they knew they had to cherish the moment, each and every moment.

A few days after Christmas Sierra went for more blood working and the miracle they had been praying for was confirmed, Sierra had gone into spontaneous remission but both Sierra knew that it was not spontaneous at all that n fact it was the Lord who let this miracle happen.

" Thank you Lord. " Was all Sierra could say with the tears of joys in her eyes.
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