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 VIP Style Cars Concept

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Countries/State : Malaysia
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PostSubject: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime30/6/2008, 1:16 am

VIP Style Cars

VIP Style Cars Concept Top


cars stated approximately thirteen or fourteen years ago in Japan.
However, they were not known as VIP cars. Originally, VIP cars came
from a team named Black Cockroach in Wakayama Prefecture. That team's
cars were published in the national car magazine for the first time in
Japan. The Black Cockroach had black Cima, Cedric, Celsior and Crown,
which were very unique and exemplified the owner's personalities. Many
have VIP cars tied to the Japanese mafia, better known as the Yakuza,
to the beginnings of the VIP scene in Japan. Afterwards, a team named
VIP Company evolved that belonged to Mr. Taketomi, the eventual owner
of Junction Produce, a leader in VIP styling in Japan. It was popular
in Osaka Sooner and later, Sendai city in Miyagi prefecture. The
popularity of VIP cars spread to Sendai city and Young Auto magazine,
which brought Chibaragi, a name of remodeling cars, to the public.

naming VIP Car, those cars including racing, motorcycle gang and
remodeled racing cars were called a Haiso car (high society salon
cars), a Kowamote car (coercive atmosphere car) and an Oshidashi car
(push car). The Young Auto established a corner of the customizing
scene by restyling luxury cars. They coined named VIP CLUB when the
owners displayed their remodeled luxury cars. These cars would become
what we know as VIP.

The VIP scene
eventually lead to the establishment of VIP Car Magazine., a company
and magazine that was started by a publisher from Young Auto Magazine.
VIP Car Magazine showed remodeling luxury cars called a VIP Car. The
VIP Car magazine has been distributed for ten years, mainly in Japan.
In Osaka, there a VIP company team, which dressed up VIP cars and
started by Mr. Taketormi, was a pioneer who drove the popularity of VIP
cars approximately fourteen years ago.

Traditional Definition:

car is very simple. Usually pronounced V-I-P (vee-eye-pee) and meaning
Very Important Person, the true pronunciation is VIP, or bippu, where
it's pronounced like a word.

Cars that fit
into the VIP category are predominantly rear wheel drive Japanese
luxury platforms such as the Celsior, CIMA, Cedric/Gloria, and Crown,
just to name a few. These cars are usually the more expensive models
and are usually purchased by the more affluent car owners. It's not a
VIP Car unless it starts with one of these cars. Many VIP purists will
not consider any other platforms as VIP, even though other cars can
take the styling cues from the larger VIP sedans. This is commonly
known as VIP Styling.

VIP Characteristics:

cars can loosely be translated to “Low and Wide”. Many have argued that
VIP cars can include European and even American cars. These can be
considered VIP Style as long as they follow in the VIP guidelines, but
they will never be VIP Platforms. Some general characteristics of VIP
Style are:

  • Large/wide wheels (many times with big lips and low offsets) that are flush to the fender
  • Stretched tires in order to tuck the wheels under the fenders
  • Low stance via adjustable suspension or air ride
  • Substantial body kits to achieve the “Wide” look
  • Custom body work to accentuate the “Wide” look
  • Custom video and audio components and installations
  • Wood grain interiors with additional trays and extensions on the dash
  • Custom seats and mats
  • Additional and upgraded internal and external lighting
  • Louder exhausts with larger tips
  • Engine/performance work (though not as popular)

VIP Culture:

VIP car enthusiasts in Japan build their car, they immerse themselves
in the culture of VIP Car. Accessories like Noburi Flags, clothing,
lighters, teddy bears, fans, and every accessory that a company makes
are purchased and proudly displayed. Many automotive events and
gatherings in Japan are steeped in the tradition of the VIP culture.
Simple gatherings of enthusiasts can turn into major events. As usual
in the Japanese culture, the cars are the stars, but socializing and
even food are main attractions. VIP Car has a sense of pride within the
Japanese community on its luxury vehicles.

VIP Styling

styling is taking the aspects that was started in Japan with the VIP
Cars and merging them onto cars that aren't really considered VIP car
platforms. Some platforms that are gaining popularity are the K-cars
(Vitz, Scion, and other econo-box cars), vans (Odyssey and Previas) and
many other vehicles (G35, IS300, 300Zs) that have been heavily
influenced by the VIP Style. That also has trickled into our US market
with the larger cars like the Chrysler 300C and Dodge Magnum.. European
cars can also be influenced by the VIP cars, and have been gaining
popularity in the US.

US Market for VIP:

does this all fit into the US market? With companies who's operations
are based here are now trying to define the VIP market as Bentleys,
Benz's, and other high end Euro cars, it basically leaves out the cars
where it all began, the Lexus GS and LS, and the Infiniti M and Q
series. Yes, the US automobile market may not have the choice of
Japanese luxury cars found in Japan but we make due with what we are
provided. However the view of VIP Car or VIP Style Cars is being
EXTREMELY skewed in the US and leaves the hardcore VIP Car enthusiast
with a sour taste in its mouth. VIP Car starts with the platform first.
350Zs, G35s, Scions, Accords, and other cars are defining the VIP Style
Car… VIP Style Cars was mainly a term devised to help define the
difference from a VIP Car platform and a car accessorized with VIP
styling. This website has room for everyone. I created this site for
the reason to give these people a home to learn and educate each other.
Whether you own a VIP Car or own a VIP Style Car… Yes, we will have to
define our own definition of VIP Style Cars but we can't stray too far
from the foundation of it all. There will be those of us who will stick
to our VIP Car platforms and those who will decide that their Scion
fits the platform as well. Both sides are correct in that matter. What
is wrong is to decide that our VIP Car platforms are not acceptable
platforms of VIP here in the US.
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Countries/State : Brunei
Age : 43
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime30/6/2008, 7:46 am

taiko ada kah wakil sioloon yg modified keta vip style...???
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Countries/State : Sabah
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime30/6/2008, 2:41 pm

ada ba... c vip_user kan...
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Countries/State : Sabah
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime3/7/2008, 4:44 pm

ada ba tu....tunggu kemunculan!!!
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Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime3/7/2008, 5:13 pm

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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime3/7/2008, 7:54 pm

haha nice info bro .. ada bah wakil dr sioloon member ... durank budak2 humble kan
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Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime3/7/2008, 11:33 pm

VIP Style Cars Concept DSC02883VIP Style Cars Concept DSC02888
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Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Style Cars Concept   VIP Style Cars Concept Icon_minitime3/7/2008, 11:38 pm

pelayang HID o0o....bungkus la ni tidak lama t'masuk aku...operasi buss...
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